Thursday, September 19, 2013

Always a First Year Teacher

Thank goodness I didn't change grades, because these are the things that are new this year:

  • Reading curriculum (same basal, different format)
  • Math curriculum (we are now using Georgia's)
  • Word Work (no more spelling tests and lists)
  • Lucy Calkins writing (the updated, grade-level version)
  • Skyward is our new online gradebook
  • KEEP-our teacher evaluation system
It's juuuuuust enough to make me feel like a first year teacher again! In what other professions does this much change happen every year? Is it just teachers??

Talk Like a Pirate?

Only at a school can these things happen on the same day...

  • Adults and kids dressed in pajamas
  • Adults and kids dressed like pirates (many of them complete with tattoos and "beards")
  • Lessons on how to hide you and the rest of your classmates in a closet in case of a dangerous intruder
  • Chasing down a child who has run out the door
  • Papaya taste-testing
  • etc, etc etc!

There is never a "normal" day in an elementary school!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Grown-up Problems.

Student: "Mrs. T, do you actually call your husband Mr. Thomason?"
Me: "Nope, I call him my servant. Hahahaha!"
Crickets. Crickets.
They will understand when they are older :)